Maintenance of Certification

Beginning on January 1st, 2014, Ringette Canada will comply with the Coaches Association of Canada’s (CAC) NCCP Professional Development policy and procedures.


When does the five year count begin?

Aside from the first cycle, which starts on January 1st, 2014: when you begin any NCCP training, the five year count begins. For example, if you are CI certified, your clock will begin ticking on January 1st, 2014, but if you participate in a CD course in 2015, you clock will be reset.

When you move from ‘in training’ or ‘trained’ to ‘certified’ status, a new five year cycle will begin.

The five year clock is always reset on January 1st. Therefore, if you complete new activity in a context, the clock will be reset the following January 1st. For example: if you complete certification status in March 2014 your five year clock will reset January 1st 2015.  

What is the deadline to complete professional development?

Ringette coaches will be required to complete professional development to maintain certification in a five year cycle. In this case, the first cycle deadline will be December 31st, 2018.



Where will my professional development be tracked?

All Professional Development for Ringette Canada will be monitored on the CAC Locker.


How do I submit professional development I complete?

To be confirmed: this question will be updated once the information is provided by the CAC.


What do I need to complete professional development?

Any professional development activity will be calculated in “points”. Each context requires a different amount of points to remain certified. Below is the chart that indicates the number of points required for each context in Ringette:



Minimum Professional Development credits required for a period of five  years

Community Sport Initiation (CSI)

10 points

Competition Introduction (CI)

20 points

Competition Development (Comp-Dev)

30 points




What will appear on my NCCP transcript to indicate that I’ve successfully completed the required professional development?


Certified (renewed) status will be appear on the NCCP transcript for those coaches who accumulate the required professional development credits within the current certification renewal period.

What happens if I don’t complete the required professional development within the five year cycle?


Failure to accumulate the required professional development credits within the specified time causes the coach’s status to be changed to Certified (Not-Renewed).


A coach who completes the required Professional Development credits after the end date of the period for renewal of certification will achieve Certified (Renewed) status but the subsequent period for renewal of certification will begin on the original date by which the required Professional Development credits should have been complete.


The following chart depicts how a coach is able to obtain points towards their maintenance of certification requirements.  Ringette Canada may designate a specific activity or activities as mandatory professional development in any context, but coaches are able to choose other activities to complete the remaining required professional development. A full list of approved activities is available in the next chart.



Activity Category




Active coaching

1 point/year for every season coached

1 point/year for learning facilitator or evaluator activity

To a maximum number of points equal to the number of years of the certification renewal period: 5 years

NCCP activity

5 points/module

No maximum or minimum

Non-NCCP activity*

3 points for approx.3 hours activity

No maximum or minimum

Coach self-directed activity*

3 points for the valid certification period

Maximum of 3 points for certification renewal period

Re-evaluation in context

100% of the points required for PD credit in the context

No other PD is required if coach chooses re-evaluation


NCCP activity

5 points/module

No maximum or minimum

Non-NCCP activity

1 point/hour of activity up to 3 points maximum

To a maximum of 50% of required PD credit for the context in a certification renewal period


*For Non-NCCP activities, and coach self-directed activities, coaches must get approval from Ringette Canada’s Coaching Development Committee to confirm that credit can be claimed.



Professional Development Activity Chart

Approved Professional Development Activities






CI module: Basic Mental Skills



Home Study
Provincial Coaching Association

* contact your PSO to find out when they are available, or contact your provincial coaching association directly.
 It is recommended that CSI Coaches complete the CI modules in the following order: Teaching and Learning, Basic Mental Skills and Nutrition, 

CI module: Teaching and Learning



Home Study
Provincial Coaching Association

* contact your PSO to find out when they are available, or contact your provincial coaching association directly.

CI Module: Nutrition



Home Study
Provincial Coaching Association

* contact your PSO to find out when they are available, or contact your provincial coaching association directly.

Fundamental Movement Skills



Provincial Coaching Association


Prevention in Motion



Canadian Red Cross
Provincial Sport Organization


Respect in Sport



Provincial Sport Organization

Speak Out



Hockey Canada


Principles of Healthy Child Development



High Five

Petro-Canada Sport  Leadership conference



Coaching Association of Canada