Keeping Girls in Sport


Program Access Instructions:


  • If you have an existing profile in any other Respect Group program, select "New to this Program?” then "Look-Up"

  • If this is your first time registering for a Respect Group Program, select "New to this Program?" followed by "Register"

  • Complete registration

  • Select "Submit" at the bottom of the page. You will be requested to review and accept the Privacy policy

  • On the payment page, click “Pay Now” or “Enter a Pre-Registration Code” if you have been provided one by your organization.

  • Once successfully logged in, you will default to the Home page. Select Program Access to view the modules

  • To re-access the program, return to the same URL indicated above and enter the username and password created during registration


General Information:


  • Respect Group programs are optimized to provide the best possible user experience for your device. This program will run on any modern web browser using a PC, Mac, Android or iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad.


  • For Helpdesk Support please go to